This page provides general overview of organizational, security, and compliance aspects.
About Lens and Mirantis#
What company owns Lens?
Lens, Lens Desktop application, Lens subscriptions, and Lens ID are products of Mirantis, Inc.
Under what jurisdiction does Mirantis, Inc. operate?
Mirantis, Inc. is headquartered in the United States of America.
Does Mirantis, Inc. have employees abroad?
Mirantis, Inc. has employees around the world.
Did Mirantis, Inc. experience security breaches in the last three years?
No, Mirantis, Inc. did not experience security beaches in the last three years.
Does Mirantis, Inc. have a fully implemented incident response process?
Yes, Mirantis, Inc. has a fully implemented incident response process.
Does Mirantis, Inc. have legal disputes related to security breaches and other similar incidents?
No, Mirantis, Inc. does not have any legal claims towards Mirantis, Inc.
Employees, security trainings, and workplace security#
Does Mirantis, Inc. have a security policy?
Yes, Mirantis Inc., has a Security Policy.
Does Mirantis, Inc. check criminal background of employees, contractors, and other third-parties?
Mirantis, Inc. checks the background of employees, contractors, and other third-parties. It is a part of standard hiring procedure.
Do employees, contractors, and other third-parties get security awareness training and other training related to data security and compliance?
Employees and contractors receive data security and compliance training on an annual basis.
How are workstations of employees secured?
All internal workstations are encrypted and have barriers against guest entry, anti-malware software. The Mirantis security team constantly updates security for endpoints. Portable workstations such as laptops support remote hard-drive destruction (or wiping) in case of a workstation loss.
Lens Desktop application security#
Does Lens Desktop require a connection to the internet?
No. Lens Desktop can be used offline. It requires activation which can be done offline with an activation file downloaded from the Lens ID Portal.
Does Lens Desktop undergo any security tests?
Yes, Lens Desktop has undergone 3rd party penetration testing by specialists in Electron application testing. All vulnerabilities of such tests are usually immediately addressed and remediated.
Download Confirmation of security assessment.
How are critical vulnerabilities found in Lens?
We have a vulnerability bounty program in place with a top security provider to tap into the skills of the global hacker community to uncover high-risk vulnerabilities faster.
Does Lens report vulnerabilities?
Yes, we do a full disclosure of all CVEs on the NIST National Vulnerability Database that can be found here.
Does Lens Desktop provide application signing?
Lens Desktop is signed for Windows and Apple to assure users that it hasn’t been modified since it was last signed by our release process.
Where can I find the third-party software report for Lens Desktop?
You can find the report in a special file within the application directory. If Lens Desktop is installed to the default directory, the report is located by the following path:
C:\Program Files\Lens\resources\LEGAL.txt