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Cluster settings#

To open the Settings menu, click the cluster icon in the cluster view. You can set various configurations such as cluster name, proxy server, vulnerability scanning, and others.

Cluster Connect#

In the Cluster Connect menu you can configure connection parameters to a Lens Teamwork space.

The Cluster Connect menu contains the following options:

  • Lens Space

    Specify a space to which the cluster connects.

  • Region

    Select one of the geographical regions for Cluster Connect servers.


    Select the region which is closer to your cluster geographically.


The following menus enable you to set various configurations of the cluster.

Cluster configurations
Submenu Description
General This menu contains the following options:
  • Cluster name. Type cluster name into the Cluster Name input field.
  • Cluster icon. You can upload several file formats such as .jpeg, .png, .svg.
  • Path to kubeconfig. The Kubeconfig field contains the link to the cluster kubeconfig.
Lens Security Center This menu contains settings related to vulnerability scanning. See Lens Security Center settings for details.
Proxy This menu contains an HTTP Proxy address for communication with the Kubernetes API.
Terminal This menu contains the following options:
  • The initial directory for the Terminal. Specify the path in the Working Directory input field.
  • The default namespace for kubectl. Specify the namespaces in the Default Namespace input field.
Namespace This menu contains the list of namespaces that you have access to. The option is useful when you do not have permission to list cluster namespaces. Specify namespaces in the Accessible Namespaces field.
Metrics This menu contains the following options:
  • Query format. Select the format in the Prometheus drop-down list.
  • Telemetry exceptions by Kubernetes cluster objects. Select Kubernetes cluster objects in the Hide Metrics from the UI drop-down list.
Lens Metrics This menu contains the following options:
  • Timeseries data visualization. Toggle Enable bundled Prometheus metrics stack to switch the option.
  • Metrics generating service. Enable kube-state-metrics only if there is no an installed instance of the service. Toggle Enable bundled kube-state-metrics stack to switch the option.
  • Prometheus metrics exporting service. Enable the Prometheus Node Exporter only if there is no an installed instance of the service. Toggle Enable bundled node-exporter stack to switch the option.
Node Shell This menu contains the following options:
  • Node shell image. Specify the node shell image in the Node Shell Image input field.
  • Pre-existing secret. Specify a pre-existing secret in the kube-system namespace in the Image Pull Secret. This setting is optional and used for pulling an image from a private registry.
Lens Apps This menu contains the option enabling the Lens Apps feature.