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Set up Okta SSO/SCIM#

Lens paid subscription feature


This feature requires a paid subscription. Please visit the pricing page or contact the sales team for details.

On this page, you can find instructions on integration with the Okta platform. You can create an application and configure both SSO and SCIM by associating the Okta application with the Lens Business ID. For details, see the Okta official documentation .


Administrator accounts:

  • Okta
  • Lens Business ID

Enable SSO#

To configure SSO your Lens Business ID (LBID):

  1. Open LBID > Authentication and toggle Single Sign-On (SSO).
  2. In Email Address Domain, select the domain for SSO.
  3. In SSO Provider Type, select SAML.
  4. Transfer the following parameters to the identity provider service corresponding settings:

    Parameter Description
    Single Sign-On Service URL The IDP service endpoint for authentication requests
    Identity Provider Entity ID The URL that identifies IDP
  5. Create an Okta application.

  6. In the Okta application open the Sign On tab, and click SAML 2.0 > More details.
  7. Copy the following parameters to the corresponding fields in LBID > Authentication:

    Okta parameter LBID parameter
    Sign On URL SSO Service URL
    Issuer Identity Provider Entity ID

    After saving the configurations, you can see a message informing that the Lens Business ID SSO has been configured.

Enable SCIM#

To configure SCIM your Lens Business ID (LBID):

  1. Configure SSO in you LBID.
  2. Toggle Authentication > SCIM Provisioning.
  3. Transfer the following parameters to the identity provider service corresponding settings:

    Parameter Description
    Base URL The API endpoint to which the IDP service sends requests
    API Token The access token

Create an Okta application#

To create an Okta SSO application:

  1. In Okta Admin Console, go to Applications and click Create App Integration.
  2. In the following menu, select SAML 2.0 and click Next to open the General Settings step.
  3. Type the name of your application in the App name input field.
  4. Optional. Upload the logo in the App logo field and click Next to proceed to SAML Settings.
  5. In SAML Settings, specify the following parameters:

    Option Recommended value Comment
    Single sign-on URL Assertion Consumer Service URL Find in your Lens Business ID > Authentication > Single Sign-On
    Single sign-on URL Assertion Consumer Service URL for IdP Initied Logins Use this URL for configuring the IdP SSO mode
    Audience URI (SP Entity ID) Service provider Entity ID Find in your Lens Business ID > Authentication > Single Sign-On
    Name ID format EmailAddress Select from the drop-down list in SAML Settings
    Application username Email Select from the drop-down list in SAML Settings
  6. Specify Attribute Statements as follows:

    Nam Name format Value
    email Unspecified
  7. Optional. View the the XML with configurations by clicking Preview the SAML Assertion.

  8. Click Next to proceed to the Feedback step.
  9. Optional. Answer the optional questions.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Complete steps 6 and 7 of [Configure Lens Business ID].

Configure SCIM in the Okta application#

  1. Open Applications and select your SSO application.
  2. On the General tab, click Edit.
  3. In App Settings, select Provisioning > SCIM.
  4. Go to the Provisioning tab and click Edit.
  5. Specify parameters as follows:

    Parameter Value Comment
    SCIM connector base URL Base URL See step 3 of Enable SCIM
    Unique identifier field for users email Type the value in the input field
    Supported provisioning actions various Select from the list of available actions
    Authentication Mode HTTP Header Select from the drop-down list
    Authorization API Token See step 3 of Enable SCIM

    After successful configuration, the Provisioning > Provisioning to App opens.

  6. In the following menu, click Edit, select necessary actions, and click Save.

Assign the application to a user#

To assign your Okta application:

  1. Go to the Assignments tab.
  2. Click Assign and assign the application to particular users or user groups.