Contribute to Lens#
You can help us to improve Lens Desktop and other products by opening issues and requesting for new features. To request or propose new functionality and/or report about bugs, errors, and other problems use one of the following channels:
- The Issues section in our public GitHub repository
- The Lens Support & Troubleshooting section on our Lens Forums platform
Help us to spread information about Lens. There are many sites where you can vote, recommend, favorite, and star us:
- Twitter - Like, comment and retweet our posts, and follow us on Twitter.
- Medium - Give claps to our articles and follow us on Medium.
- GitHub - Become a stargazer on GitHub.
- StackShare - Indicate you are using Lens and follow us on StackShare.
- Reddit - Upvote and be a Lens ambassador by participating in relevant discussions on Reddit.
- Hacker News - Upvote and be a Lens ambassador by participating in relevant discussions on Hacker News.
Here are some nice blog posts and videos about our project for you to get some inspiration: